Monday, August 26, 2013

New Releases!!!

Tomorrow is such a great day for two reasons. One--it's my two year wedding anniversary. Two--so many great new releases coming out!

Tomorrow's most important release is...

Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby is released on DVD and Blu-ray. This movie is a stunning rendition of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel. I wasn't sure it would be able to capture all of the important symbolism and subtle themes from the book, but it does just that and more! My favorite movie of 2013 so far, hands down! This will be my anniversary present from my husband, undoubtedly.

Next up...

Avenged Sevenfold releases their sixth studio album. I am anxious to hear their new tracks, but also a little hesitant. This will be their first album without any recordings by their deceased drummer, Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. It seemed to me that he might have been the heart and soul of this band. Their music may not be the same without him...

And last but certainly not least...

Final Fantasy XIV is released in the USA. As much as I am a massive fan of the FF franchise, I will not be playing this one. It is an MMORPG (Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game) and as fun as that sounds, I try to stay away from those. I fear that it would take over my life. Scratch that--I know it would take over my life. Still exciting for FF fans everywhere! 

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