Thursday, September 12, 2013

Breathless by S.D Grimm

A novella written by my friend and fellow writer has just recently been published and available for purchase on Amazon!

I, of course, immediately downloaded it and devoured it in about two hours. I could not put this story down! It hooks you from the very first page by thrusting you into a world where with the simple touch of one's hand, or even an object, Claire (the main character) can see into the memories of others. Claire is being pursued by those who wish to use her for her power and is forced to team up with an ex from her past. As you can imagine, things get VERY interesting!

By the end of the story, I was left wanting so much more and hoping for a continuation with these characters somewhere down the road. Maybe I can make this happen, I may have a little pull with the author :)

Click on the link below to purchase Breathless!

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